Octogenarian Odyssey


Nov 17

February 12, 2024

By Odyssey

Yesterday was a very wet ride. I was warm everywhere except for my toes and fingers. So much for having Gortex gloves and boots as the water got in, I suppose at the seams or just from a good soaking. While the rest of me stayed warm, I still got wet by the end of the day. Fortunately, our landlady let us use her dryer to dry everything out.

One of the nice things about meeting people along the way is there is no talk of politics, religion, or ethnicity, just a sharing of experiences and stories of our trips. Yesterday, I stopped for a snack at a bus shelter, and no sooner had I stopped when the girls showed up and then, one minute later, our friends from Amsterdam Elles and Klaas for more hellos and photos.

Then last night we picked a restaurant and Gloria, and I went for dinner, upon entering who did we meet then our German friends, Thomas and Antja from two nights before. It is lovely to meet fellow travelers, especially for the second time.

Today, it continues to rain, so we will stay put as my friend Joan, who road the same roads in 2019, says it would be a shame to miss the magnificent scenery along Route Seven because the visibility has been almost zero.


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