Yesterday, we left Chiclayo and headed to our first look at the Pacific Ocean in Pacasmayo—a flat 105k ride with a headwind over the last half. Once again, we passed through towns of red brick buildings with the top floors not completed and dusty side roads. The area is a big agricultural area growing various crops, from red peppers to rice.
We were delayed arriving as Bernice had a flat, and when we put in the new tube, it exploded; the next tube went flat quickly, and one of the old patches leaked. Then I patched it again, and if you believe me, there were two holes. If you think Bernice, I put the patch on but not over the hole, so it went flat again. Anyway, we wasted maybe an hour and a half.
Pacasmayo has a nice Malecon, a pier, and a clean beach, where we found a good restaurant that serves an excellent pisco sour.