Octogenarian Odyssey


Aug 22

October 29, 2023

By Odyssey

Yesterday, we checked out of Ecuador and into Peru. The border crossing was the easiest so far, only a half hour as both countries share the same building, and the fellow that checked the car checked it in. There was no one there crossing either way. No money changers, no one hawking food or trinkets. It’s a very different crossing. Peru presented us with rice fields, hectares and hectares of mangos, and garbage. The garbage alongside the road is disgraceful, and I understand it does not improve.

Ecuador was green, had no motorcycles to speak of, had beautiful views every day, cold and fantastic, jungles, friendly people, mountains, big ones, jungles, the equator, Quito, Octovalo, poor coffee mostly instant, climbing and more climbing, long downhills, good roads for the most part—3600k and 60,000m so far.


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